Post by Caine Drathul on Oct 26, 2008 1:39:14 GMT -5
So I debuted my costume this past weekend and I am so happy it's finally done! The tunic and shoulder armor are made from a pattern I found at a fabric store. Originally, I was going to make an outfit like Luke's from ROTJ and was looking for a regular vest patten. I got lucky and found a perfect Jedi design. The shoulder armor is pleather and the tunic just a nice cotton blend. The pants are karate pants. I got the boots of of EBAY for about $30 and the Jedi belt was a wicked steal off of the EBAY store costumebase (Singapore) for ony $34 plus free shipping. I decided to add the Anakin glove just for the hell of it (I wish it was black, but the dark brown worked out just fine)
Post by The Sith Apprentice[MOD]of'08 on Oct 26, 2008 2:07:11 GMT -5
Senior Member
without darkness there is no light..
Posts: 207
Post by Mirsylus on Oct 26, 2008 20:44:47 GMT -5
that came out pretty nice, man..